Big data for official statistics


The 2014 ESS “Big Data in Official Statistics” event, organised in Rome on 31 st March and 1st April 2014, aimed at contributing to the implementation of the Scheveningen Memorandum, by achieving the following objectives:

  • Increasing awareness of the Big Data challenges in the ESS and propose ways to address them ( [SCH1], [SCH2];
  • Identifying and sharing emerging best practices concerning how to make use of Big Data in official statistics ([SCH4]);
  • Identifying synergies within the ESS and with the private and academic sectors, where joint development efforts might serve the interest of multiple ESS NSIs or the entire ESS ([SCH4], [SCH5], [SCH6]);
  • Identifying the legal, technical and methodological requirements to use Big Data for the production of official statistics ([SCH3], [SCH5], [SCH7]);
  • Provide expert input to the preparation of an action plan by the ESS and its implementation in the Statistical Annual Work Programmes of Eurostat ([SCH8])

Read the full report here: ESS Rome 2014 Technical workshop report