Prospective study of the market development in the telecom markets for internet, fixed telephony and business network services


Earlier this year, Dialogic examined the developments in the Dutch telecom market in the period 2014-2018, and the impact that it will have on the market shares of various market players. For this study, Dialogic spoke with a large number of (existing and emerging) market players, end users and experts. Ultimately, a model was developed with which the number of connections for the different connection types, infrastructures and providers can be forecasted. The assignment was commissioned by ACM, the agency that determines the regulations for the telecom market in the Netherlands.

Authors: Tommy van der Vorst, Reg Brennenraedts, Jaap Veldkamp, Cor-Jan Jager, Rudi Bekkers.

Download report (Dutch): Prospectief onderzoek naar de marktaandeel- ontwikkeling op de telecommunicatiemarkten voor internettoegang, vaste telefonie en zakelijke netwerkdiensten