The creative industry and the future internet


Between 2012 – 2014, I participated in the SPECIFI project (as consultant at Dialogic). SPECIFI is an acronym for ‘Smart Platforms Enabling the Creative Industry for the Future Internet’, which is broadly speaking also the project’s goal. We develop software, hardware and services that allow the creative industry to explore new ways of conceiving and performing creative ideas across Europe. This next generation of creative endeavours often has a distributed characteristic and therefore concentrates primarily around ‘creative hubs’ in various smart cities, that are interconnected using high-speed next-generation infrastructure.

In SPECIFI, Dialogic worked on developing sustainable business models that would allow the developed services to outlive the project. My job was primarily to facilitate the various workshops held with stakeholders in each pilot project, as well as to develop a framework that allows to investigate issues regarding intellectual property, security and privacy related to these business models. This has lead to several deliverables as well as a presentation.

Distributed performances using SPECIFI technologies
Distributed performances using SPECIFI technologies

SPECIFI was co-funded by the CIP (European Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme). In SPECIFI Dialogic worked together with iMinds, ENoLL (European Network of Living Labs), Alcatel-Lucent, The Egg Brussels and Stromatolite.